Series of stories in Finnish newspaper – Satakunnan kansa

On October 17th, 2014, Finnish newspaper Satakunnan kansa published several stories on cell phone radiation and health. The lead story is an interview with former Nokia technology head, Mr. Matti Niemelä, entitled “Entinen Nokia-pomo: Kännykkä vei terveyteni” (Former Nokia-boss: Cell phone took my health). He worked at Nokia from 1997 till 2007 when his health collapsed. Now, to move around he should use a wheelchair, but he refuses…

Texts of all stories (without pictures) in Finnish and in pdf format are available here:

The last story, “Professori varoitta aivosyöpariskista” (Professor warns about brain cancer risk) is based on interview with me…

For Finnish readers the stories are easily available by purchasing 24-hour subscription to the newspaper for just 1.70€ costing text message. Then the articles are with pictures…