Leszczynski: Gaps in the Knowledge, presentation at Georges River, NSW, Australia, Sept. 15, 2019

Slides of my presentation are available in pdf format:

Australia September 15 2019 Cell Phone Radiation and Health Gaps in the Knowledge

6 thoughts on “Leszczynski: Gaps in the Knowledge, presentation at Georges River, NSW, Australia, Sept. 15, 2019

  1. It might be so that polarized EMF are more potent. More research is needed, from other research groups and using different biological models are needed before accepting this notion. It might be so or… it might be peculiarity of this biological model or this particular research group.
    Also, author of this review also considers that the cell-phone-radiation-induced DNA damage has been proven. Unfortunately, it was not (see one of my slides in Georges River presentation)
    So, before jumping to premature conclusion, we need to explore in more detail this interesting hypothesis that polarization is the key factor in induction of bio-effects.

  2. Thank you for very comprehensive information on Sunday. I saw today on Facebook that in Israel construction of 5G tower results in 15 years of prison. Can you get hold of the research on 5G , which has lead Israel to such a conclusion?
    Danuta Hulajko

  3. Dear Dariusz,

    It was an honour to have you present at our first Stop 5G Community Awareness Event. Thank you for sharing the slides to your presentation, I have posted your blog link on our Stop 5G Georges River Action Group facebook page and will be sharing a lot more of your work with our growing community. I’ve directed people who had questions at the event, to ask them here on your blog.

    Kind regards,

  4. Hi Dariusz,

    I was thankful to attend the Georges River event yesterday and see your presentation. I was wondering if you might know with the GSM signals that you mentioned in your presentation, was it a factor of the 900MHz carrier frequency, 200kHz bandwidth, pulsing of the signal, transients, subcarriers, polarisation, or a combination of all of those factors that presents a biological effect?

    As I understand, with 5G, according to Rohde & Schwarz, the signal is built on the 4G LTE design which itself expanded on the 2G GSM and 3G HSPA designs, though the bandwidth is 100MHz wide at 3.5GHz and 400MHz wide at mmWave frequencies. However, I’m yet to find which element, or combination thereof is the most biologically harmful. Would you know which element of the technology is the most harmful?

    Dave Bourke
    Electromagnetic Health & Safety

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